Are you frustrated with your mental health?

Are you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and alone?

Are you sick of trying things that are not working?

Most days it might feel easier to simply give up. Throw in the towel and despair that the problems you face are too large, too daunting. That you can't do anything about your mental health challenges.

But somewhere inside your strong and powerful mind, you know there is something you can do. There is something you HAVE TO DO. You know this because your current mental health state is not compatible with the life you truly want to live.

But when your mental health challenges feel insurmountable, where do you start?

It starts with YOU. Right here. Right now. You have work to do. Mind altering work. World changing work. Seems daunting? It is.

My name is Bryson, and I work

with people just like you

In the middle of 2020, I landed in the Emergency Room from a panic attack that felt like a heart attack. In the weeks and months leading up to my hospitalization, I had tuned out what my body was trying to say. I was super busy in medical school and failed to take the time for self-care and mind-care. I was exhausted. I was worn down. I was not in a great place. I had a whole bunch of medical knowledge, but I failed to apply it to my own body and mind.

Self-care is a philosophy I have lived by ever since that fateful (and rather scary) ER visit. Though I didn't realize it at the time, my struggles with mental health ended up being a huge gift. It forced me to slow down. To look after my health. To examine and reevaluate what I needed and what I didn't.

Since that trying time, I have become an advocate for mental health. I became a certified Life Coach to help individuals like YOU more powerfully and potently address your mental health.

Your Journey Starts Now.

How would you like to proceed?

A woman sitting on her bed, drinking a cup of coffee, while she reads Psycophi's blog about self-care habits and mental health education.
Prefer to start small?

Take some time for YOU by learning more about mental health and how to care for your mind.

A man on a track ready to start a race, a race where he takes control of his mental health with Psycophi's course Mental Health & You.
Eagar to take control of your mental health narrative?

Explore our scientifically backed course: Mental Health & YOU: Lifestyle Changes to Optimize Your Life.

A man holds a sparkler and fireworks flash in the sky, a tribute to the changes he'll make in Psycophi’s mental health coaching program.
Ready for Meaningful change?

Learn more about our one-on-one Mental Health Coaching Program designed specifically for YOU.